Apply For Staff

To apply for staff send a application form for Gymleader, mod or Admin


Secondary Gmail:


  1. Hi, I'm you've seen me on your server before, and I think I would make a good admin or gymleader, I'm a great builder so if there is a task that is building related, call me ill get the job done. I have been a staff on other servers before they say I do very well, I'm kind and respectful, but serious at the same time, I will NOT abuse commands.

    I hope you have this application in mind, thank you for listening


    1. Have u been staff on pixelmon servers?

    2. No, I have not, but I can only imagne

  2. I want to be a flying gym leader u'v seen me i'm who everybody call's the witch (algamer123's little sis) I think i would be a good gym leader because i love flying,and air,i'm kind,helpfull and serious.I would NEVER cheat,steel or spam anyone

    I hope u allow me to be a gym leader on the server. :D

    1. Have you been staff on any other server?

    2. yes i have been staff on three servers.

    3. Hey im gonna put you as a trial gymleader any requests as what one eg: grass,fire flying isn't one :)

    4. Um, dragon? can I do dragon?

  3. We haven't built that stadium yet and are you aware you need to beat all the gym up to the gym you want to be the leader of :)

  4. Hey, my IGN is crazyaaron19 and I am applying to be a builder on the server. I have been in 2 build teams what are called Sunfury and slime army. Also I have been in a few server build teams I have even helped build a hunger games map called survival games 5. I am experienced with world edit if u have it and I follow orders well and get on with everyone. Hopefully this is enough to get in.

  5. yes you can work with my other builder who you were working with atm, would you like to apply for gym leader as well you will get the builder rank as soon as possible, when we make them. - chris

  6. hello sir my name is Bram (craftboybram) 16 years old and from the netherlands i would like to be a admin on your server ive been staff on 2 servers ive had my own server and the reason i would like to be staff is because i like minecraft and pixelmon i have alot of free time i mostly spent it on minecraft and i think it would be more fun to play has one of the staff, if you have any other qeustions pleas email to :

    1. Thank you for applying, we dont need so much admins right now, but we might come around and ask you later, go for mod if you want to be staff earlier

  7. hello owner and staff i am Daan (kyankill) i am 17 years old i frome the netherlands i would love to be a mod or a helper on your pixelmon server and love to help players on the server i also good whit plugins and also good whit building`s i love to be on your server o make players happy if you have other qeustions plz email to thank you

  8. im sad I cant get on the server my game keeps crashing when I join the server hopefully I will get on soon to build

  9. Hello gdhs2 here I am applying as a helper/mod I have been a mod and Head Admin on a server before that has ran plugins. I do build fairly well and I am very active on the server. I am 16 years old and very mature and understanding.

    1. Thank you, we will talk to you later if we feel that we need more mods, right now we want gymleaders, Thanks!

  10. I applied for leader but I really want mod instead.

    I have had 20+ staff positions on various servers. I love helping others and I am excellent with solving problems. I am very experienced in mincreaft and pixelmon

    I have played pokemon for 7 years and minecraft for 4 Thank you.

    in game name ctrl alt dlt

  11. I can be a builer if you want btw

  12. Hello, my name is Mike, Age14, and I'm applying for the position of Gym Leader and or Mod, Whatever is needed. In the gym leader position I'd like to be higher gym leader. Mod I've been staff on many servers and have a lot of experience. My IGN is TeamNGAirsoft_1 and I really enjoy being on this server. The only thing in my opinion the server needs is more gym leaders and gyms, marts to sell items, more events to attract more players, and lastly it could use a voting system to bring more players on and give the current players rewards for voting. Thank you and I hope you consider my App.
